people you know. stories you don't.
The concept of the game was created in the midst of wild NYC quarantine 2020 by my brother Brandon and I. While reconnecting with old friends, obsessing over HBO's Insecure, and relating to life as black millennials, conversations began with the mundane and ended with asking- “How can I improve my relationship with you?". In cutting out the small, monotonous chatter, we realized we aren't the only ones who need the opportunity to get real.
We started archiving conversation topics, spending hours honing the list and secretly testing out our questions on unsuspecting friends. We paired down the list to our top convo starters to lead to deeper connections and build intimate and exciting experiences.
Expect unexpected questions, be ready to get vulnerable, and of course have a good ass time. Our hope is that this game will help you get closer. Now available for pre-orders!